Private Internet Marketing Phone Coaching


I can’t believe I haven’t updated this blog in over 5 months. I guess I was too busy; you know – the weather was nice and I didn’t want to stay home.

Well, I am back to “work”.  This Thursday (and the past Thursday) I participated in a private phone conference on internet marketing and it was really awesome!

A few guys from Wealthy Affiliate ( Andrew and Fred ) decided to do a phone conference so Andrew, as an experienced and successful internet marketer could reveal some of his techniques and could help other folks to succeed online. When I heard about it, I decided to join in and offered my help, I have been doing Internet Marketing for over two years now so I thought it would be great way to meet some new people and help them out.

There were a lot of question but I believe a lot of questions got answered, with a lot of details and everyone got tons of value from this 2 hour long call, also the fact that it was completely free of charge made this whole experience priceless for many attendees. Andrew and I even let out some of our hidden secrets; some strategies, site names and very profitable niches have been revealed. I am sure those who took notes during this phone conference might be making lots of money in the very near future (of course if the proper action is applied, simply taking notes and thinking about them is not enough 😉 )

Andrew has suggested that we make this coaching a weekly thing – so next Thursday it’s on once again! We will start with keyword research and move along the direction it’ll take. I can promise lots of genuinely valuable information that most “big boys” out there sell as the “Next Big Thing” and will charge thousands of dollars for, we do it for our personal pleasure, will to help the others and completely free of charge!

This private phone training is open to all Wealthy Affiliate members, so login to WA, open the forum, General Discussion and open up the thread called “SKYPE MEETING”  there you will find out how to register for these mind blowing conferences. Till then,

Success and Happiness,


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