WakeUpNow is an MLM based business (multi-level-marketing) that’s been making a lot of noise in 2013-2014. Just like most other pyramid schemes and bogus business opportunity scams, WakeUpNow is great at hyping up its promises to “make everyone rich”.

Since I am quite active in the online business world I’ve came across people promoting WUN (aka #WUNLIFE) on several occasions and I always giggled about it. “People can’t be really joining this scheme, can they”? It appears that people do in fact join in, hoping to make some easy cash.
I’ve decided to finally write this post because it seems like it’s finally the end of WUN. Eric Turner aka Seemore Green (lol), WUN’s top earner has officially resigned from WUN on February 9th 2015. The same day, WakeUpNow’s top executive Logan Shippy has posted a video on Youtube, claiming that he is leaving the #WUNLIFE as well.
“I’m not going down with the ship, I’m gonna hop on the life boat” – says Shippy.
UPDATE: Shippy deleted this video from his channel as he has now joined yet another MLM that will certainly go down in the future.
It appears that many of WUN IBOs (Independent Business Owners) haven’t been paid since August-September 2014. The whole WakeUpNow scheme is falling apart and rumors say they have declared bankruptcy although I haven’t seen the official confirmation.
What is WakeUpNow?
WakeUpNow is an MLM scheme that “sells” access to discounts. Companies like WUN wouldn’t sell anything at all and simply run a pyramid scheme to make money out of unsuspecting recruits, however it’s illegal in the USA, Canada and many other countries. This is why MLM companies need to come up with some sort of front-end product to appear as a legit company.
What Does WUN Sell?
WakeUpNow sells access to rebates, of sorts. When you become a paid member of WUN you get access to their Hub (marketplace) where you get vacation discounts, shopping discounts, access to a some software, free magazine subscription and a few other things.
How much does it all cost?
$24.95/month for silver membership, $49.95/month for gold membership and $99.95/month for platinum membership. Of course you would be advised to go “all-in” with platinum.
Here is the first problem with this “product”. Most of their savings are offered for free, online.
– Going on a vacation? Simply head to priceline.com for amazing deals (often better deals than with WUN). Personally I use sites like CheapTickets.com for cheap flights and if you travel often enough you’d find your favorite websites that will offer amazing rebates without a “membership fee”.
– Shopping online? Go to fatwallet.com, redflagdeal.com (if you’re in Canada) or many other coupon websites to get discounts. Heck, you can even get a free account at SwagBucks and earn cashback/get rebates whenever you shop inline.
– 3 Free magazine subscriptions? Most magazines I looked at charge less than $2 per month if you subscribe for a year, many even offer the 1st year completely free.
– Antivirus software from some unknown company? No thanks, I’d stick to a free version of Avast (or a variety of other free popular protection software).
In the end of the day, what you get for $100 per month with WUN could be had a LOT cheaper, most of it is free.
Second issue, no one really needs all of that crap in one package. So the “front-end product” offered by WakeUpNow is rather useless and overpriced.
How Do You Make Money With WakeUpNow?
Now comes the real question: how do you make money with Wake up now?
As I mentioned above, WUN is an MLM, a pyramid-like scheme. You didn’t think you’ll actually be making money by selling access to the “HUB”, did you?
The main way to make money with WakeUpNow is be recruiting new paying IBOs who in their turn will recruit more IBOs who will be talked into recruiting more IBOs… a pyramid. The more people join in your downline the more money you make. So in the end you aren’t really selling a product at all, you’re selling a promise of a business opportunity that allows to sell the same promise to others.
It still amazes me that most MLM reps don’t see a problem with this model and think of it as a legitimate business.
They harass their friends and family into joining. They spam social networks, youtube and our email boxes with their hyped up promises. They call you stupid and hopeless if you call out on their scam. Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the world of MLM.
Some of my friends tried to recruit me into Empower Network, Primerica, ACN and a few others. It’s always the same story, the same intimidating techniques and a sad finale for those recruiters. Some of these poor souls lost thousands of dollars, they lost friends and they wasted tremendous amount of time to finally call it quits and move on to something else. The smarter ones got jobs or opened up a legit business, others moved to another MLM that promised even more money.
How Much Money Can You Make with WakeUpNow?
The simple answer is… not much.
Before WUN cult followers jump on the comment section telling me how they are making millions everyday, you must know that the following numbers come directly from WakeUpNow website. I didn’t pull these numbers out of my ass, these are actual incomes of people involved with #WUNLIFE.

82% of people involved with WakeUpNow won’t make ANY money at all. Read it again, 8 out 10 WUN members will not earn a single penny.
14% of WUN members will make under $1300 in a year ($101 per month).
4% of WUNs will make between $1,213.05 and $7,605.13 in a year, that’s $634 per month.
Less than 1% will make over $7,605 in a year – that’s top execs, the top of the pyramid, the only people who will actually profit from WakeUpNow scam.
Folks, this is serious. Over 99% of WUN promoters will earn less than $7,600 per year! Yet they sell on promises of better life, incredible monetary success and all things amazing. Seriously? $600 per month doesn’t sound all that amazing to me.
The Future of WakeUpNow
I am sad for all those low level promoters who invested their money, time and effort to promote WUN. Some of these folks seems to be very hardworking and ambitious and I can only imagine what they could have achieved if they funneled all that energy into a real business.
However, I can’t help but smile about another MLM going under. Maybe people will start waking up now (no pun intended) and see that MLM is not proper way to earn a living. Hopefully the FTC will also wake up and put an end to all the other pyramid schemes with bogus front-end products.
The top execs of WakeUpNow will surely join another MLM or start up their own scheme. Anyways, that’s what they admit publicly (watch the Logan Shippy video at the top of the page).
WakeUpNow Conclusion
Is WakeUpNow a scam? In my books it certainly is. With no valuable product or service to sell and with the main goal of recruiting more paying members it certainly isn’t a long-term business opportunity. With over 99% of members earning less than $8,000 per year – this is not a business opportunity but a waste of time. If you are an IBO with WakeUpNow, I hope you learned your lesson with #WAULIFE and will stay clear of similar MLM schemes.
Got anything to add? Comment below!
I love it! I’m so glad this ridiculous business Is going under. My ex-wife was part of WUN.
I am a firm believer that MLM ruined our marriage. After years and years of trying these Pyramid schemes only to move on to the next get rich quick scheme and getting us in financial ruins I finally said its the company or me…
Now I’m single and honestly happier than ever, but I can’t help but revil in the fact that another ridiculous business of lazy entitled stupid people has failed once again. Funny thing is all of these idiots will move on to the next scam just so they don’t have to go get a job… God forbid they have to actually put on a uniform and put in some honest hard work. Unreal! Anyhow thank you for posting this blog! You made my year 🙂
I am very sad to hear that such MLM scheme ruined your marriage. Unfortunately we can’t always show our loved ones the proper way to think. I do believe in independence ans online business but I always despised MLMs which often advocate “get-rich-quick” scheme… even when the company itself admits that less than 1%, meaning the owners will actually get rich or even earn an income to live off:(