How to Easily Create YouTube Videos And Get More Traffic

With just over 1.1 Billion (1,100,000,000) unique monthly visitors Google’s video sharing platform Youtube is the 2nd largest website in the world, right after We’ve all heard of popular Youtubers who are creating quite an impressive income through Youtube’s display ads. Most of them didn’t start their Youtube channels for the sake of making …

How to Easily Create YouTube Videos And Get More Traffic Read More »

Creating A Viral Blog Post (Case Study)

Have you ever created an amazing piece of content just to have it lost among all the other content? Have you ever wondered why some blog posts do incredibly well while others are left behind? Have you ever tried to figure out what makes content go viral? Today I am sharing a case study I did on this very blog!

30 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read in 2016

Best Business Books of 2016

Did you know that “85% of rich people read two or more education, career-related, or self-improvement books per month, compared to 15% of poor”? So if you still like reading or if you got a Kindle as a gift or even if you prefer audiobooks, here is the list of my favorite 30 business books that every entrepreneur must read in 2016.

Here’s A Really Profitable Niche Idea For Your Online Business

niche idea for online business

Whenever you start thinking about starting your own online business, you’ll always here the same phrase: “Well, you have to come up with a niche!”. Easier said than done but you actually do need to figure out a niche for your business. In this long post I am sharing (in my opening) a very profitable and promising niche idea. Check it out and start your business !

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