Have you been approached by GetMyAds as a business opportunity or even an advertising platform? Is GetMyAds a Scam or a real business? In this GetMyAds review I’ll help you understand what it is and how it works. Spoiler: this won’t be pretty.
GetMyAds Review
GetMyAds.com positions itself as “The most innovative Traffic network”. So far so good, right?
However, most people are invited to GetMyAds not as an advertising platform but rather as a business opportunity. Sign up, get more people to sign up under you and earn money. They call their referral program as “affiliate program” although it’s actually a multi level pyramid. We’ll get to that later though.
There isn’t enough information on how they will generate the traffic for your website. I spent some time looking through all of their documentation and I was able to find that you’ll need to buy tokens in order to get traffic. One (1) token costs $50 and it will bring you 200 visitors to your site. If they actually deliver, this is $0.25 per visitor which is extremely expensive. You can also spend that token on 500 video views. Let’s just assume that these guys are honest and will get you 500 real Youtube views – that means you are paying $0.10 per view. This once again is incredibly expensive. I’ve been running video ads on Youtube (targetting US and Canada) and I paid $0.03-$0.05 per view. And note that my viewers were highly targeted.
The point here is, if you actually want to advertise your website or your online business then you should stay away from GetMyAds. They overcharge you for the traffic and chances are you won’t even get high quality traffic but rather useless bot traffic that will never bring you any sales, leads or sign-ups.
How GetMyAds Really Works
The main goal of GetMyAds is to get affiliates who refer more affiliates and so on. Get My Ads claims that you can become an affiliate completely free. This is true, however you will need to spend at least $50 to be eligible for the payout.

In short, you’ll need to pay the 50$ to become eligible for the PayBack program. Now GetMyAds company says that “40% of the value of a token goes into our PayBack pool where every customer will benefit from.”. This basically means you’ll get a part of that PayBack pool. The general number they’re promising is 1% profit per day. So if you spend 50$ within the program you’ll be earning $0.50 per day from the PayBack program. This equals to $15 per month of profit.
However, did you think about where that profit comes from? Other paying members. As older members are getting their PayBack from your investment, GetMyAds now needs new paying members in orders to pay you. Is this starting to look like a scam yet?
If you personally refer a new paying member you’ll receive a 12% commission as an affiliate. That’s $6 out of $50. If your referral brings in a new client you’ll get $6 from that member as well. Hence the pyramid style scheme.
Fabricated Reviews
On the main page of the GetMyAds they’re showing off “customer reviews”:
As you can see they try to talk about “advertising” to sound more legit however they really are trying to persuade you, the site visitor, to sign up as an affiliate so you can earn money by promoting them.
Is GetMyAds A Scam?
A new member spends $50 when they sign up. 40% of it (or $20) goes into the PayBack program. 12% (or $6) goes to your direct referral (someone gave you a link to sign up, right?). Another 12% (or $6) goes to you. There is now only $18 left from that new member’s initial 50$. GetMyAds will take part of it for their own profit and supposedly they’ll spend whatever’s left on advertising.
However, the problem is that this newest members will need to get paid as well. In order for him/her to get paid, new paying members must join the Get My Ads program. Since GetMyAds doesn’t have any external revenue source and only relies on the constant flow of new paying members they simply can’t sustain the business model. In fact this kind of business model is illegal as it is a ponzi scheme.
You might think that if it was illegal it wouldn’t be active, right? The problem is that these kind of scams take a lot of time to be investigated and shut down. One of the biggest recent ponzi schemes with a VERY SIMILAR model as GetMyAds was Traffic Monsoon. Traffic Monsoon (TM) launched in 2014, took over $200 Million from 162,000 “investors” around the world and was shut down in 2016 by the SEC.
When TM was being accused of being a ponzi scheme, their members creamed the same old song: if it was a scam it wouldn’t exist. But as you can see it was a scam and it took the authorities 2 years to prove it and to finally shut it down. The 162,000 victims are now awaiting some sort of a payout (that they will probably never get).
My prediction is that GetMyAds will also get shut down eventually. Thousands of people will lose their money.
GetMyAds Complaints and Issues
Several complaints are starting to surface about the GetMyAds company. With a quick Google search you’ll be able to find several issues with this scam. Here is just one of them:
What really concerns me is the Terms & Conditions of PayBack and Payout. This screenshot comes directly from GetMyAds.com website:
This is simply incredible and I am sure that people who actually join GetMyAds never read the terms and conditions.
GetMyAds does not guarantee any payout, They hold the right to reject any payouts at will. They say that they might payout at whatever time they wish but the actual time frame is 600 days, that’s almost 2 years! Would you join a company with these rules and this kind of disclaimer?
Final Conclusion
GetMyAds is just another “revenue sharing” ponzi scheme like many others. There are already reports of them refusing to do payouts. Their terms and conditions claim that this is a normal practice and they are not obliged to pay you the “earnings”.
Making money online is possible and thousands of people are earning their living online. However a legit program will never position itself as some magic money making system. You can make loads of money online but you will have to actually work for it. I’ve been a member of this platform since 2007 and they have been my #1 recommendation through all of these years. The best part? It’s completely free to join.
Create Your Own $0 Starter Account Here
Do you have any comments or questions? Please do use the comment form below 😉
This is a scam website DO NOT join this scheme. I have joined this and I cannot even login to my account anymore. Their contact email address does not work as well. It is a complete scam website. Stay away
Thanks for writing this review on GetMyAds, people should be cautious of any company that has fabricated reviews on their website. I think it’s a shame that there are so many companies like this. These companies were made to scam people and take their hard earned money. WealthyAffiliate seems like a great alternative though, you stated that no experience or money required. So there’s a free membership at WealthyAffiliate?
I am glad to hear you found this helpful.
And yes Wealthy Affiliate does have a free starter membership. It won’t give access to all of the training modules but it’s great to see them let people in for free. The truth is that building an online business is not for everyone. This is why it’s a good decision to let people test drive the program without forcing them into spending money.
I have lost money in a ponzi scheme, so I will prefer to stay away from this. This is a very unbiased and detailed review, Alex.
I will not pay that much for visitors because there are better ways to do that right? In fact, what is a use of having traffic that has no idea about your content?
Any complex mechanism of a scheme especially if it lacks transparency then it is a no-no. I have learned that from experience. Though affiliate marketing is one of the best ways I consider to earn money online but this is definitely not affiliate marketing, why the hell are they confusing people with using a wrong term? That’s ridiculous.
Thanks for this post!
That’s exactly my point Hari. Paying for untargeted traffic is a waste of money and a waste of money. However as I mentioned in the review, GetMyAds aren’t about traffic but rather about having you bring in the money and bring in people with more money.
Wow, so many to be aware of on line! Always a new way to take $$ from unsuspecting people. I will certainly stay away from this one thanks to your in depth review. Keep up the good reviews. A big help for all of us. I will certainly look at your recommendations.