Categories: Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program – How Does It Work?

In short, Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program allows member to earn a commission per sale. The commissions are recurring on monthly or yearly basis, depending on a membership chosen by the premium member.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise because the company teaches you how to earn money in the industry of affiliate marketing. In this article I’ll explain everything you need to know about the Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program Explained

Like most companies, Wealthy Affiliate has it’s own affiliate program which allows its free and premium members to promote the platform and receive a commission per sale. Wealthy Affiliate’s referral system is very attractive for many reasons. However, the fact the nearly everyone can promote WA can also be a negative thing. I will explain all the details in this post.

What is Wealthy Affiliate

If you are reading this article you’re probably already familiar with Wealthy Affiliate. If you aren’t familiar with the platform, I’ll describe it in a few words. Wealthy Affiliate is, first of all, an affiliate marketing training platform. The company has been around since 2005 and they’ve trained thousands of people how to earn an income online, using affiliate marketing. Wealthy Affiliate provides easy to follow training and mostly targets beginner marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate positions itself as a one-stop-shop in the world of affiliate marketing. Besides detailed training the members also get access to the tools, support and an active community. Basically, everything you need to start an affiliate marketing business. This post is about their affiliate program. If you want all the details on what this platform actually is and what you get, check out my full Wealthy Affiliate review.


Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program Pros

Wealthy Affiliate commissions are very generous as well as recurring, which explains the reason why so many members love promoting the platform. Wealthy Affiliate claims that the average lifetime commission per sign up is a whopping $121 USD. This number makes a lot of sense if I compared it to my own experience of being an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate program.

Some of the WA sales I made in the passed netted me over $2,000! Let me break it down. Their commissions are recurring which means that you earn that same commissions every month, as long as the member that you brought in remains a premium member.

Back in 2008 (when I started promoting WA) a commission for a Wealthy Affiliate premium membership was $14. So I refer a new premium member. This person stay a premium member until today (2020). This means that I received that 14$ USD every single month, for the past 149 months. That’s a total of $2,086 USD, for 1 single sale.

Let’s be honest, this is not a typical result. On average Wealthy Affiliate members remain premium for 5-6 months.


Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program for premium members

So how much do you actually earn with Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program? This depends on your membership level. Premium members earn a higher commission.

These earnings apply to affiliates who are currently premium members at Wealthy Affiliate.

A monthly premium membership costs $49 USD and as an affiliate you will earn $23.50. A yearly premium membership costs $495 and you will earn a sweet $235 commission per sale. Don’t forget that these are recurring commissions and will be paid to you as long as the member remains premium.

The first month of monthly Wealthy Affiliate membership is discounted and offered to new members at $19. You will earn a $8 commission from that sale. If that referral decided to stick to premium, they next month will be billed at the regular $49 so your commission will go up to $23.50 per month.


Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program for starter members

Starter members (free membership) can also promote Wealthy Affiliate however their affiliate commissions will be lower. They will earn $4 on the $19 first month sale, then $11.75 monthly and finally $117.50 for yearly memberships.

A premium affiliate will also earn $1 when their referral (starter member) fills out their profile and adds a photo. This commission is not available within the free membership.

Wealthy Affiliate estimates that the upgrade rate (from free membership to premium membership) is 12%. In my personal experience this rate is closer to 10%. So if you bring in 10 free members per day, 10% decide to upgrade to Premium and stay as premium for an average of 5 months, you’ll be earning around $3,200 per month.


Wealthy Affiliate’s Cookies

Cookies are basically little snippets of data that are sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer or browser. Most affiliate programs use internet cookies to understand which affiliate referred sales. Wealthy Affiliate uses lifetime cookies. This means that once a premium member signs up through your link – you’ll always earn a commission from their membership fee. Even if that users leaves Wealthy Affiliate and comes back a year later – you’ll start earning those commissions once again.


Wealthy Affiliate Training

If you have the knowledge and/or skills, you can create your own blogs and even training at Wealthy Affiliate. Whenever someone finds your training or blog post and joins Wealthy Affiliate without clicking on affiliate links, you earn that referral.

When you create a blog post (or training) within Wealthy Affiliate you can set your content to be public or be visible only to WA members. If you set it to public, search engines might pick it up and this is how you can get referrals without “really” promoting the platform.


Wealthy Affiliate Links

Another cool feature with Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program is that you can link to pretty much anything within the platform. You can easily grab your affiliate link that leads to someone’s post, blog or even training. This way if you’re sending a visitor to a very specific page within wealthy affiliate you can still get your referral credit.

Here is an example:

Just click on affiliate and it will generate your own affiliate link to that very post!


Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program Training

Wealthy Affiliate offers several kinds of training. The core training is the Online Entrepreneur training. As I already mention you can learn a lot more about all the details in my full wealthy affiliate review. However, they also have a very specific training called Affiliate Bootcamp.

Affiliate Bootcamp concentrates on training you how to become a successful affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate Platform. This course has 7 levels and a total of 70 lessons. Starter members get access to the first 10 lessons.

Although the Affiliate Bootcamp’s lessons can be applied to any affiliate marketing website, it does go in-depth inside the Make Money Online industry. While writing this article I decided to look inside one of the levels just so I could give you an idea of what’s inside the course. Here are a few lessons from Level 5:

  • Creating content with intent
  • Getting your comments to convert
  • Creating videos that get convert into sales
  • Creating and using custom sign-up forms
  • Creating a 6 week plan of attack!
  • … and a lot more


Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program Cons

Promoting Wealthy Affiliate premium memberships surely sounds very profitable and it can be. However, if you are new to affiliate marketing you should know that the “make money online” industry is incredibly competitive. Whenever I talk to a beginner affiliate marketer I always advise them to stay away from 3 industries: Make money online, dating, weight loss.

These three industries are very profitable and this is why they are so competitive. There are websites who spend millions of dollars per month on ads and on SEO, trying to compete in these industries. It is brutal.

Wealthy Affiliate encourages its members to promote the platform. They are a business so it makes a lot of sense. Also they teach you affiliate marketing so it’s also normal that they try to entice you to promote their own program as an affiliate. Don’t get me wrong. You do NOT need to promote Wealthy Affiliate. Even Bootcamp training is completely optional although I think there is a lot of value in it.

My issue is that I don’t think the complete newbies to affiliate marketing should be promoting such platform. I don’t see how a beginner to making money online can be able to give advise about making money online. You see where I’m going with this?




To conclude, I think that Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program is pretty great. The commissions are high and most importantly that income is recurring. You can make a single sales and reap the benefits for many years to come.

Should you participate in the Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program? Well that depends on you. Can you actually help people make money online? Do you want to start a site in such competitive industry? Do you actually think Wealthy Affiliate is an amazing platform that deserves promotion?

If you visited some pages on my blog you probably noticed that I do not promote many programs/products. I strongly believe in promoting only products that I think offer a lot of value. I could be making a lot more money promoting a whole bunch of “make money” courses and programs. However most of them are junk. I think that only promoting what I honestly like would be the most beneficial for you, my reader, and me in the long run.

If you are interested in joining Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program or as a member, feel free to use my affiliate link.

Alex Sol

Published by
Alex Sol

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