In this week’s episode of the Extra Paycheck Podcast I am joined by an entrepreneur, CEO and founder of CastBox, Renee Wang.
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3 years ago Renee Wang worked for Google Japan. On her commute to work Renee enjoyed listening to podcasts. Although she enjoyed the audio content she felt like she was wasting time by downloading a bunch of mp3 files and listening to them in order to understand if she actually wants to hear that information. This is when Renee started looking for a better solution: a way to find exact content within the episode. She soon realized there was no such solution and this is how the idea of CastBox was born.
CastBox is a world leading podcast platform that helps you easily find and access spoken audio content. Let me explain.
When we search for content online using a search engine such as Google we mostly find text-based results. For example, if we want to hear about “affiliate marketing” we would search for that keyword phrase and get the text, video and audio results. However the search engines only rely on titles and descriptions (in other words text-based). Renee came up with a technology that “listens” to the actual podcast episode and searches for that keyword or keyword phrase. It then takes you to the exact minute and second of the episode where the keyword is mentioned.
CastBox now has over 15,000,000 (yep, 15 Million) users and it’s growing. The start-up raised over $30 Million dollars until now and it certainly is the best way to find your audio content. The app is only only getting praise from its partners and investors, it’s also getting a lot of love from its users and podcasters. By the way, after you install CastBox on your Android phone (it’s free) make sure to subscribe to the Extra Paycheck Podcast within the app.
So far it all sounds great and easy, right? I think it’s incredibly important to mention that in order to launch this business Renee quit her (very) well paid job at Google and sold her house in order to launch it. She knew there was a huge demand for such service and she decided to go all-in. CastBox supports several languages and its 50+ employees are working out of China, San Francisco, Corea and other places.
In this episode Renee also shares very useful strategies on marketing a new app and acquiring new users.
Make sure to check out: – official website (also available for Android and iOS)
Extra Paycheck Podcast on CastBox
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