ShopZPresso Review – Is ShopZPresso Legit or a Scam?

You landed on this ShopZPresso review because you’re wondering if this is a legitimate software or just another scam full of empty promises. Correct? My goal is to take you through all of the details, explain what exactly it is and why I think you should stay far away from it.

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ShopZPresso Review

ShopZPresso is yet another product recently launched by Mosh Bari. This person launches “new, groundbreaking software” every couple of weeks or so, Shop Z Presso being the newest one. I’ve written about several products by Mosh in the past: TraffixZ review, DFY Profitz review, TrazeAll review, OMG Profitz review, EZSalaryz review and many others.

All these pieces of “secret” software share very similar sales pages. They also share very similar promises of easy money by using an underground “super-duper” cloud based software. All these systems also share very similar ratings from actual users:

In short, ShopZPresso is not what it promises to be. This is just another over marketed and under-performing website builder sold by Mosh Bari who’s reputable for selling false promises. It’s important to note that it’s impossible to get a refund from the owners of this scam.

There are 25 others products in this list with same 2 out 5 stars ratings. I am sure many of these customers would rather get a refund and ignore leaving a review. However, although the sales pages for these products claims that your purchase is 100% Risk Free – you will not get a refund. More on that later. I am sure simply looking at the previous 30 products sold by Mosh, you can expect that ShopZPresso will get a very similar, low rating.

What Is ShopZPresso ?

The sales page claim that Shopzpresso is the newest, most secret software that will start earning you money with a few simple clicks. Just spend $17 USD, log into your account, click on a few buttons and you’re set. The software will create your own online shop. It will “get you products” – whatever that means, automatically generate “free traffic” and finally it will even “sell products for you”.

In reality, ShopZPresso is a simple WordPress theme. You install that theme and it automatically pulls products from affiliate marketplaces and populates your site with these products. These kind of websites do not rank and often get penalized by search engines for thin content and duplicate content. So this kind of online store will not rank.

Auto generated traffic? Mosh has done it in his other products. You promise a “freebie” to your visitors if they share your website on social media platforms such as Facebook. This is in fact free traffic but who would actually share it? Have you ever shared links to some sketchy online shops with your friends? Chances are you haven’t, so why would anyone else? This free traffic promise is yet another empty lie.

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Is ShopZPresso Legit?

Let’s put it this way. The ShopZPresso software is probably legit, if we’re talking about its ability to set up an online shop using the WordPress platform.

The ShopZpresso mentions that you will need to purchase a domain name and website hosting as well – that’s fair. If you want to run an online business you need a website. However their promises of easy money are just that, promises.

If you want to set up an online shop to sell your products or promote products as an affiliate – you will need a website as previously mentioned. After that, you can install WordPress (it’s free). Then you will need to install a plugin such as Woo Commerce (also free) and you are set. No need to pay $17 to ShopZPresso.

When it comes to generating traffic – there is no easy way of doing this, You’ll either need to pay for it or work hard to get the free search engine traffic. And you get the search engine traffic by creating awesome content on your website, so your visitors actually get value out of it. Such content will not only bring you highly targeted traffic, it will also build trust and result in more sales.

Is ShopZPresso a Scam – Full ShopZpresso Review

I wouldn’t necessarily call it a shopzpresso scam however I would not recommend it to anyone. I’ve been making money online for the past 13 years. I’ve tried Amazon FBA, I sold my own products online, physical and digital. My main source of income is affiliate marketing. If there is one thing I learned over the year – there is no shortcut to riches.

You can’t start making money by doing nothing. You’ll need to work for your success and anyone trying to sell you a “shortcut” or a “secret system” is simply taking advantage of you.

ShopZPresso Review – Red Flags

This wouldn’t be a full ShopZPresso review if I didn’t point out other, very obvious red flags.

First of all, the Shopzpresso sales pages claims that they need to limit the amount of copies they sell in order to avoid over saturating the market. They goes as far as saying that this is not a fake scarcity. This statement really cracked me up. This is, by all means false scarcity. They are saying it’s limited simply to put pressure on you and force you to buy the software right away.

Other false claims are hyping up the value claiming it’s worth THOUSANDS of dollars but you can get it for only 19$, But wait, if you buy right now they’ll even drop another 2 bucks and you’ll pay 17$! You only have 12 hours to do it, right?

Have you noticed this timer on their website? Well, if you reopen the site in a new window – it resets back to 12 hours. And it will do so for as long as the website is active. This is because it is false scarcity, there is no real limit to anything – it’s just an old technique of trying to pressure you into a purchase.

They state that this is a very unique, very limited and very profitable software with an incredible income potential. If it really existed and was this easy – do you think they would sell it for $17? Nope. They would keep it to themselves. In the beginning of this ShopZPresso review I mentioned other products by Mosh Bari.

They all promise to be very successful and super limited – yet they’re able to come up with a new money making system every few weeks. Make you wonder, doesn’t it?

ShopZPresso Review – Worth it?

If you actually spend the $17, you won’t be taken directly to the software. ShopZPresso is set up in a very complicated sales funnel with loads of upsells and downsells. Although they promise that all you need is the software to start making money, they’ll first bombard you with a ton of other “must have add-ons”.

They’ll say that if you REALLY want to make money you’ll also need to purchase Unlimited Profits edition for $67, Also done-for-you money sites for a cool $297, then – Super Traffic Machine at $67. As well as 100x Conversion Booster for $77 and the License Rights for $97… and so on.

The initial price tag of $17 is just a test to see if you’re actually willing to pull out your credit card and give them your hard earned cash. Don’t fall for this.

ShopZPresso Refund

Let’s say you did purchase the ShopZPresso and you realized that it will not make you any money. You want to get a refund, that’s normal. You did see something about 100% money-back guarantee or something along these lines, right? Here is what it says on their website about ShopZPresso refunds:

Note how the big text on top says that your purchase is 100% Risk Free with Money Back Guarantee. The smaller text explains that they do NOT offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. The only reason they accept for a refund is if the software has technical issues – which it won’t. It’s based on WordPress, world’s most famous and most trusted blogging platform (which once again, you can use for free).

Unfortunately if you spent money on ShopZPresso and realized that it won’t actually make you any money – you will not get a refund from them by simply asking for it.

One of the recent comments on this very article was left by a user who spent over $300 on ShopZpresso. They confirmed that the “software” does not work as intended and they were unable to get any support or refunds from Shopzpresso.

Can You Make Money Online?

I’ve already mentioned that I’ve been making a living online since 2007. I know several people who started in 2019 and even in 2020 – and they’re doing rather well so yes, it is possible. As long as you realize that making money requires an investment of time and effort – you can potentially be successful as well. Remember that there is no EASY way – no matter how promising that sales page looks.

A few days ago I published a very detailed blog post that dives deep into 12 legitimate ways of earning an income on the internet. From affiliate marketing, to freelancing, to testing apps, getting online jobs and everything in between. You can find this post here.

Got any questions? Use the comment form below!


ShopZPresso might promise you a lot. This Shopzpresso review explains what exactly it is and why you should stay away from it.

Product Brand: ShopZPresso

Product Currency: USD

Product Price: 17

Product In-Stock:

Editor's Rating:
Alex Sol

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  • I bought the White Label after reading a lot of reviews online saying how easy ShopZpresso is to use and install on your own website. Do not do it. The only way to buy the white label version is to buy the base product, then all the upgrades. Then it says if you buy the white label (which they charged me more for than they advertised), they will refund you the price of the other upgrades, since the white label includes all the upgrades. So, I did this, knowing I wanted the White Label. Then I put in a help ticket to ask for the refunds, as their website instructed me to do. Four help tickets and two weeks later, after I got mad and told them to refund it all, they finally responded and refunded the upgrade and told me they do not offer any refunds on the white label. When I asked for better instructions on how to install the white label product on my website than their installation video that literally starts with "after you install Shopzpresso on your own website," and then shows a dashboard for a hosting company I've never heard heard of, all they did was send me a link to the same useless video. Their done for you upgrades are do it yourself products. They say they will have you fill out a form identifying your niche and they set up your store with products in that niche for you, but really, they give you the same generic list of products that they send everyone who purchases that same upgrade, and you have to upload them to your store and customize them yourself -- you don't pick a niche, and they don't do any custom work for you. Their done for you marketing is you set up accounts on a dozen different social media sites, give them them links, and you can create a banner to very specific specs so that everyone's will look the same, and they will rotate those banners on their next one-time launch. Unlike other affiliate advertisers that have forms that you just plug in your information and it builds the banner for you, no -- you have to build the banner yourself and they don't even put those specs in writing. You have to copy down the info from their video and then figure out how to build it yourself. There is no done for you anything. As I said, it's all do it yourself, and if you ask for help -- unlike what they advertise -- they don't respond or just send you a link to the same uninformative videos you already had that tell you what you should do, but now how to do it. If you aren't a coder, you will never be able to use the white label. If you don't get the white label, you'll have exactly the same useless store as everyone else, so there's no point. Do not expect free traffic. In 14 days, I got exactly 0 visitors.

  • Hi and thank you for your honest review, as yet the only one. All other reviews appear to be sponsored by themselves. Today I was about to buy it, but after reading your review I decided not to. I was initially sceptical anyway 🤨 because I’ve seen so much rubbish in the past, I just couldn’t figure out why it was so easy because nothing is easy and no website is strong without quality content.

    • I am glad this post was helpful to you, Sharon.
      Unfortunately low quality products with empty promises will always exist online. The only proper way to start an online business is to learn marketing, SEO, content creation, PPC and apply all of that to the business. Equally one could hire a reputable marketing firm but that will cost a pretty penny.

      Best of success to you,


  • I also fell for this , as I came to the end when they asked for even more money for the "White Certificate" at about 600 .00 I balked and asked for an immediate refund .I was told if I gave him the 600, I could have the middle amount's but not the front and the 600,00 he was then asking for ..but he is scamming 61 yr old's on Oxygen !! This is horrendous !! I was looking for a business like Shopify !! !

    • Hi Erin.

      As I mentioned in the article - there simply isn't an easy way to build a successful online business. Because I've been in the industry for so long, I've met several people with very successful online stores. All of them had to work hard on the marketing part of the business. It takes effort, time and often money to get an online store off the ground.

  • Boy, thank you very much! The sales pitch was very enticing, but you helped me understand that it is just another come on. You seem to be the only review that is legit. All the other reviews seem to be sponsored by the Shopzpresso posing as anonymous reviewers. Not nice!

    Thanks again for your review and spending the time to save us from disaster.

  • Hi Alex,
    Thanks for this comprehensive and honest review, we have actually purchased ShopZpresso including a whole bunch of upgrades, totaling 377 USD.

    Anyway, long story short, we are not happy at all with the software, hindsight is easy but we probably should have done some more research before purchasing, the salespage probably was too slick and inviting. (and has a lot of misleading claims...)

    You are right about the red flags, and also about refunds, we have sent more than a dozen messages to support, getting the same pasted message as reply.

    Apparently Mosh Bari's company has a bad reputation for issuing refunds.

    We also would not recommend this product to others.

    Once again thanks for the great review.

    • Hi, Leo.
      It's unfortunate to hear that you aren't able to get your refunds for ShopZPresso. It's also unfortunate that even the refund policy on their website is phrased in such way that makes you think it's a satisfaction guarantee.
      I hope you'll get it sorted out and get your money back.

Published by
Alex Sol

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